When Life Gets a Redesign: A Radio Podcast

As the founder and CEO of Nifty Package Co., Michelle Hensley has a great deal of experience in rising above tough life circumstances and making the most of every situation. She also has an extensive background in counseling and coaching other women like herself, who are widows trying to find their way after a tragic event. On November 9th, she shared her story and wisdom on "The Coaching Perspective" podcast with Doug Gfeller.
She talked about how she redesigned her life and created an income for herself after her husband passed away from cancer and how her children were instrumental in helping her reignite her entrepreneurial spirit. She also discussed how Nifty Package Co. is changing the way people give gifts and how our unique tailor-made experience is empowering others who want to show gratitude.
To hear her inspiring story, listen to the podcast here: