7 surprising facts about ordering a gourmet gift basket! - Nifty Package Co

7 surprising facts about ordering a gourmet gift basket!

7 Surprising facts about ordering a gourmet gift basket! Did you know that when you order a gift basket, most are pre packaged and food is non perishable for at least a year of shelf...
Talent Retention Strategy with a Custom Employee Gift Microsite - Nifty Package Co

Talent Retention Strategy with a Custom Employee Gift Microsite

Creating a custom employee gift microsite for a company is great where you can present a gift program for staff where they can choose from a variety of gift options and even gifts with events...
8 Perfect Thank You Gifts - Nifty Package Co

8 Perfect Thank You Gifts

These days, it seems to us that the art of the “thank you” note or gift has fallen out of fashion. However, it is always in good taste to extend a thank you to someone...
How to Use Client Gifts in Your Work - Nifty Package Co

How to Use Client Gifts in Your Work

For business owners, salespeople, and managers, client gifts are a super tool that everyone should be utilizing! Gifting can enhance a client experience by giving clients a positive outlook on your business's overall brand. 5...
Planned Randomness - Nifty Package Co

Planned Randomness

Why do we like random acts of kindness?  Something inside of us is drawn to stories of spontaneous kindness because kindness promotes gratitude, shows compassion, displays a selfless concern for the well-being of others. Kindness can...
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Gift Like a Boss - Nifty Package Co

Gift Like a Boss

When considering gratitude and thankfulness, it is easy to have good intentions, but it is often difficult to follow through. Our busy schedules cause us to put gratitude on the back burner, or we think...
Gift giving that stops them in their tracks! - Nifty Package Co

Gift giving that stops them in their tracks!

I have sons... 4 of them. Sometimes they like to get my attention, they did so very well a few years back. One son was a reserve firefighter and he and two other siblings went...
3 Important Reasons For Client Gifts - Nifty Package Co

3 Important Reasons For Client Gifts

Gift giving for personal reasons is common, and many of us know the joys of giving and receiving in this way. But what about gift giving within a business setting? Corporate gifting is on the...
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Valenza Chocolatier: Grazie Open House - Nifty Package Co

Valenza Chocolatier: Grazie Open House

Last week, I had the privilege of attending an open house for our chocolate purveyor, Valenza, and it was divine! Valenza creates award winning gourmet bonbons, bars, and confections. Their creations are handmade from the...