Behind the Scenes at Nifty Package Co.

There are so many reasons to love working in gifting, but one of the reasons I enjoy working at Nifty Package Co. is that I get to be creative and work with artistic people of all ages and walks of life. The women who work at Nifty Package Co. are amazing, hard working, fun and smart! We are diverse, and most of us work in other fields as well.
As we have evolved as a company, our ethos has always been one of giving. It's the spirit of who we are. We love to give and help others give. Because we each have been so blessed, we strive to go the extra mile and pay it forward. We do more than asked and find ways to surpass expectations. We love to design gifts that tell a story and allow the recipient to continue in this spirit of giving.
As this week before Christmas passes by in a busy rush, just know that we are working hard behind the scenes so that you can give well and have your most valuable commodity: time. From all of us here at Nifty Package Co., we value you and wish you the greatest holiday season!
- Tags: behind the scenes client gifts fempreuner Gourmet Gift Baskets orange county women in business