Just Because!

Have you ever been pleasantly surprised by a random act of kindness or by a thoughtful gift from a friend. . . just because they wanted to make you smile? It is incredible the impact one can make on another’s overall mood simply by giving them a gift out of the blue. This is just one of the reasons why we are so passionate about the art of gift-giving here at Nifty Package Company. We know the positive impact that it has had on our own personal lives, as well as others.
When I was only 6 years old, I met my best friend, and throughout our entire friendship she has always been the queen of giving random, thoughtful gifts. This last week she gave me a beautiful pair of blue, stud earrings. . . just because. Now every time I wear these earrings, I am reminded of how special our friendship is and how she took the time to go out of her way to make me smile.
Not only do random acts of kindness positively impact the person receiving the gift, but they also positively impact the giver. According to Jonathan Passmore & Lindsay G. Oades in their Academic Journal titled Positive Psychology Techniques – Random Acts of Kindness and Consistent Acts of Kindness and Empathy, “psychological research evidence overwhelmingly confirms that random acts of kindness brings positive benefits to the individual giver, in terms of both mental and physical health gains” (Passmore and Oades 90). So, it is truly in giving that we receive.
Shop through our selection, give a nifty gift today, and receive the joy that comes from making someone smile . . . just because!