But First, Coffee!

Here at Nifty Package Company, we like to take life one “cup o’ Joe” at a time, whether it’s grabbing a quick house-brewed cup of black coffee in the morning before our weekly work meetings or meeting up with a friend, client, or significant other at the nearest local coffee shop to catch up over a specialty Cafe Latte. And don’t just take our word for it! According to Specialty Food News, coffee consumption is at an all-time high and continues to rise, not only in gourmet coffees purchased away from the home but also in the home. This means that coffee, coffee cups, mugs and accessories make great gifts, and we love doing the research to find these luxury coffee gifts!
My name is Melanie, and I began working at Nifty Package Co. last summer as the Social Media Intern. Since then, I have had the opportunity of getting to work hands-on with gift designing, wrapping, delivering, photographing, etc., and I have truly loved every minute of it. As the Social Media Intern, I have been able to connect with/“follow” our clients as well as the vendors that we showcase in our “nifty” gifts. One of these amazing coffee vendors is the OC local Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders. Bodhi Leaf specifically caught my eye given the fact that I am a coffee fanatic and also a full-time student, so finding unique, local coffee shops for my days of long studying has become a hobby of mine.
Bodhi Leaf is truly an incredible local company to support. Originally, they were founded by Steve Sims as solely a coffee importer, importing green coffee and selling it to roasters. However, after moving into their warehouse location in Orange, CA, they noticed the busy street right in front of their building and decided to expand their company into a full coffee experience. They opened their first cafe in this warehouse building and began their “farm to cup” journey. They continued to expand, and now the company not only is known for their coffee importing/selling but also their trendy coffee shops, where they serve their product as well as offer classes that educate the public on specialty coffees.
“We get our beans from the farms and roast our coffee daily. We truly are a farm to cup experience.” - Steve Sims (Founder of Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders)
Last Saturday, in hopes of cooling down in the mid-80 degree weather, my boyfriend and I decided to check out the Bodhi Leaf location in Orange, CA and enjoy an iced Cafe Latte together. We were thoroughly pleased by the entire experience, ambience, product, and vibe of the coffee shop. They offer a wide variety of beverages, including French press coffee, teas, cold brew, smoothies and more. If you are looking for a unique coffee shop to enjoy with your significant other, to meet with a client or colleague, or just to wind down, we strongly recommend taking the time to visit one of Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders’ SoCal locations, including Orange, Anaheim Hills, Placentia, Santa Clarita, and Lake Forest. You can click on this link to find their hours and addresses: https://www.bodhileafcoffee.com/pages/locations .
Fun fact! Us ladies here at Nifty Package Company will be holding a Pop-Up shop at the Bodhi Leaf location in Orange, CA off Katella on May 11th and May 12th in honor of Mother’s Day, as well as June 15th and June 16th in honor of Father’s Day! Do you know any fellow coffee lovers who would enjoy a delicious coffee gift? Make sure to mark your calendars, stop by to say hello, enjoy a fresh cup of Bodhi leaf coffee, and pick up your very own “nifty” gift! Or create a custom gift today by contacting Michelle via phone (714) 863.6058 or email (michelle@niftypackage.co), and you can include a bag of Bodhi Leaf Coffee that I guarantee will bring a pep to their step, warmth to their heart, and a smile to their face.
Look out for our blog post next week to learn about some of the other great, local coffee companies that we sell here at Nifty Package Co.
-Melanie Mitchell